Barong is an interactive story created during a 24 hour game jam created and directed by Shelley Chen.
The game features a deer who encounters spirits and transforms into different animals to experience life in an unfamiliar forms.
Barong gameplay Video
Barong is a story that explores what people desire.
Players interact with elements in the scene, engaging in conversations and uncovering clues.
The goal: to transform Barong into different animals and experience life from a new perspective.
Barong's visuals are based on paper cutouts inspired by traditional Balinese shadow puppets.
Style Frames For Chapter 1
Shot 01 :
Barong meets a fish.
Barong: How can I swim like you?
Fish: You have to have beautiful scales like me! They sparkle!
Barong: Where can I get those scales?
Fish: I am born with them... sorry I can't help you.
shot 02 :
Barong ask the crooked tree, "Have you see any sparkles?"
Tree: My leaves sparkle through the sunlight, the sun gave it to me.
Shot 03 :
The wind takes Barong to the beach to find sparking sea shells.
Character Sheets
Transformation concept :
Barong jumps into the water with the sparkling sea shells, As he swims, he is transformed.